Temporary Disruption of the Library’s UK Electronic Legal Deposit Service – The Library of Trinity College Dublin: News & Alerts

Please be advised there is a temporary disruption of the Library’s UK electronic legal deposit service, due to a technical issue. Content including e-books, e-journals and the web archive are likely to be unavailable for a number of days. The Legal Deposit Libraries are working hard to resolve the situation as soon as possible. We will keep readers updated during this process. If you require urgent access to a title available on UK eLD only, please contact [email protected] for assistance.

Our electronic Legal Deposit collection is a shared endeavor with the other UK Legal Deposit Libraries. Our access to this content is via the British Library. Unfortunately, they are experiencing a major technology outage following a cyber-attack. The outage is affecting their website, online systems and services, and includes electronic Legal Deposit. They anticipate restoring many services in the next few weeks, but some disruption may persist for longer. Please see their blog https://blogs.bl.uk/living-knowledge/2023/11/cyber-incident.html

for updates from them.